Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's Christmas Time

Wow, I have not been as good at this blog thing as I'd like to be.  I can't believe that Halloween was the last time I posted.  I have so many posts saved (Things I'm Thankful For), but never posted.  I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to writing, and tend to read them over and over again, and not post.  So, here it goes, one that I'm going to post without reading and trying to fix it first.

I took the kiddos to see Santa last night.  Again, so thankful for Anne.  She met us there, and helped things go as smoothly as possible.  Thankfully, even at 7 months, the babies seemed to be ok with him.  Benjamin and Harrison sat on his lap while I held Jaylyn and Oscar.  Lilya stood next to his chair...very careful not to get too close.  I knew the lady that was taking the pictures, so she offered to take individuals of the kids with him.  It will be so nice to have them, and by the time each baby took a turn, Lilya had warmed up and took a turn of her own.  She told Santa that she wanted a baby doll and a rattle for her sister, Jaylyn.  So sweet of her to think of her babies.  I can't wait to post the pictures that were taken.  Until then, here are a few pictures of them in their Christmas outfits that I have taken.  Hope you enjoy!

Benjamin's first look at the lights.

Jaylyn looking so cute wrapped in lights.

Harrison is pretty curious.

Big Sister, Lilya, is quite the ham.

Love Oscar's bright eyes!

These could be the cutest little elves ever!

Benjamin, Harrison, Oscar, Jaylyn and Lilya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable Christmas pictures! I saw this pose with the Christmas lights on PinInterest, and I immediately thought of you and the babies. Love the way they turned out!